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Packed with One Direction references and heart-fluttering moments, Lindsay Hameroff’s “Never Planned on You” is the perfect Jewish romance novel.
If you’re looking to diversify your reading with books written by Jewish authors featuring Jewish protagonists, this list is for you.
Whether you’ve already devoured 10 books this year or are just getting back into reading, here are Unpacked’s top 18 picks for new Jewish novels in 2024.
“I thought, wouldn’t it be fun for a reader like me to experience a book where the magical resonances feel familiar?” Clare told Unpacked.
Unpacked spoke with Jean Meltzer, Meredith Schorr, and Heidi Shertok about why they chose to bring Jewish romantic life to readers across the world.
From folktales to beloved series, these Jewish authors have profoundly shaped the landscape of children’s literature.

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