Antisemitism, Explained

Attacks against Jews and Jewish institutions across the U.S. and the globe has brought the issue of antisemitism into sharp focus. Antisemitism, Explained is a six-part video series that digs into the historical roots of antisemitism and how it affects Jewish identity and global events. Written by award-winning journalist Yair Rosenberg, the series explores how to identify antisemitic threats that are outside our control, and inspires the confidence to stand up against them.

Series Sponsors

Co-Executive Producers
Shmuel Katz

Platinum Level Sponsors
Andrea and Lawrence Wolfe Family Foundation

Gold Level Sponsors
Robyn and Russell Greenberg

Silver Level Sponsors
Ezra S. & Sharyn Ashkenazi with the SCA
The Charles Crane Family Foundation
Alison Wolfson

Bronze Level Sponsors
Jane and John August
Deanna and Daniel Blank
Jewish Federation of Broward County
Peter E. Feinberg
The Goldberg Family Foundation
Paulina and Larry Kovalsky and the Jewish Federation of Greater Rochester
Dana and Peter Langerman
Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York
Maytal and David Shainberg
Rachie and Jon Teller

Partner Level
Murray and Stefanie Karp
Bobby Saadian of Wilshire Law Firm