
Why do Jews eat hamantaschen for Purim?

Why is Purim commemorated by a three-cornered filled pastry?

But first, let’s back it up. There’s a common saying that Jewish holidays can be summed up as “They tried to kill us, we survived, let’s eat.” It certainly holds true for Purim, when the evil Haman tried to convince the king of Persia to kill all his Jewish subjects — a plan that was thwarted by the queen who, unbeknownst to the king, happened to be Jewish.

So why the hamantaschen? One tradition says it represents Haman’s ear; another, his three-cornered hat. A more recent interpretation goes below the belt and, citing the young (read: fertile) Queen Esther, claims the filled pastry pocket is none other than a uterus.

We’ll let you decide.

Whether you’re in camp hat, camp ear or even camp uterus, here’s wishing you a freilichen (happy) Purim.

You can find this video on our YouTube channel Unpacked.

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